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[VANILLA-L:23] Re: [VANILLA-L:11] Re: [VANILLA-L:7] Re: [VANILLA-L:1] Re: [VANILLA-L:881] Enable the "who" command?

Dave Ahn wrote:
>They are not moot points.  I object on principle.  I hope Bob follows
>Netiquette and keeps the list addresses private.  Looking at the lack of
>response on this list, though, I seem to be the only one who gives a damn.
>Oh well, time to add more rules to my .procmailrc.

 I'm not sure exactly how Netiquette comes into play here, could you please
provide a reference for this?

 I think you are making silly arguments against this, and trying to take
some sort of higher moral grounds response.

 Frankly, I doubt any email spammer cares a whit about vanilla-l email list.

 On the other hand, I don't care a white about who is on the vanilla-l email
list either.

 I say to JeffNo, if you want to make sure someone receives a post, cc it to
them anyway.  If they get two copies and complain, just tell them it was
Dave Ahn's fault.

 Ok, problem solved.  I joined the list to talk about the server code.

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