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[VANILLA-L:28] Re: [VANILLA-L:16] Re: [VANILLA-L:11] Re: [VANILLA-L:7] Re: [VANILLA-L:1] Re: [VANILLA-L:881] Enable the "who" command?

> Let the masses speak....
> -- 
> Bob Tanner <>       | Phone : (612)943-8700

	Ok, so here is my $0.02.  I've been subscribed now for a
relatively long period of time, and I find the information that crosses
this list interesting and useful (although I run the server on IBM
clone/Linux machines).
	Who cares if I'm on the list?  Nobody...  Why should anyone care
who is on the list in general?
	The only reason I can see why someone would care is (as stated
earlier) if he/she wants to make sure that someone else in particular is
receiving traffic from the list, correct?
	So instead of changing any settings, or pissing anyone off, why
not drop that person a quick message (since his/her address would be known
to the worried individual) to anyone in question, and say, "Hey, are you
on the Netrek Vanilla Server development list?  If not, then sign up!".
	Seems pretty simple to me.  As far as the archives, they are
useful, and unfortunately, without modification to the way they are
published (such as adding kludges to the e-mail addresses that are shown),
everyone is susceptible to spiders/crawlers that search the web for such
things.  But then again, everyone becomes a victim at sometime to
fraudulent spammed email; it's an unfortunate, yet inevitable evil of such
an easy communications method.
	That's just what I think.  :)

Mark "gunslinger" Nipper
(who unfortunately enjoys playing the game, more than being productive)
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