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Test COW 3.00pl1 Red Hat Package

I'd like some of the Vanilla guys who have a Red Hat Intel box at V5.2
or V6.0 to test my packaging of COW 3.00pl1.

In theory, you should be able to download the rpm file, then type

	# rpm -qip cow-*

to examine the package information, (review this and make comment)

	# rpm -i cow-*

to install it, or if you like;

	# rpm -i

to install it directly from the net, and then

	% /usr/games/netrek/cow

to start the client, and up should pop the metaserver window.

It would be better to test it without your .xtrekrc file present.

James Cameron                                      (

Linux, Firewalls, OpenVMS, Software Engineering, CGI, HTTP, X, C, FORTH,
COBOL, BASIC, DCL, csh, bash, ksh, sh, Electronics, Microcontrollers,
Disability Engineering, Netrek, Bicycles, Pedant, Farming, Home Control,
Remote Area Power, Greek Scholar, Tenor Vocalist, Church Sound, Husband.

"Specialisation is for insects." -- Robert Heinlein.