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Re: [VANILLA-LIST:2545] Test COW 3.00pl1 Red Hat Package

On Tue, 20 Jul 1999 you wrote:
>I'd like some of the Vanilla guys who have a Red Hat Intel box at V5.2
>or V6.0 to test my packaging of COW 3.00pl1.

Tested it on SuSE 6.1, the most popular distribution in Europe.

A short result after installing with kpackage:

	group games does not exist - using root

	doosh:~ # which cow
	doosh:~ # which netrek
	doosh:~ # netrek
	bash: /usr/games/netrek: is a directory

Since I have /usr/games in the path by default, I suggest putting the cow
startup script to /usr/games instead.

You should also add the COW documentation package including a sample
.xtrekrc file.

Sound is missing totally, COW supports 2 different sound schemes. A KDE
based sound package using .wav files like the Windows version and an
generic SUN /dev/audio based one using .au files. which one should be added?

I may provide a script for setting the proper links.

BTW: Please add the cow.spec file to the COW CVS tree.

Kurt (007)

Kurt Siegl / Franzberg 4, A-4483 Hargelsberg, Austria
Email:       Tel (ISDN):   *(7225)7017