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IMPORTANT: Client Developers/Maintainers

This is for client developers/maintainers that have their code, binaries, and
documentation at Real Time.

Bad news. Real Time lost two 9Gb drives in our RAID array. Since I was only
using RAID-0, we lost that data.

Good news is it is all on tape, so I am restoring. :-0

The not so good news is the tape is a very slow, somewhat old beast, so it
will take hours, maybe even days :-P

If you want to get your stuff up quick, put it into and I'll copy it over.

Bob Tanner <>       | Phone : (612)943-8700                | Fax   : (612)943-8500
Key fingerprint =  6C E9 51 4F D5 3E 4C 66 62 A9 10 E5 35 85 39 D9