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Thanks for you comments, I will forward it to the list of responsibel people.


On Mon, 05 Jun 2000  ghost wrote:
>    Could you implement some commands in your AI like 'DEFEND CORE' or
>'DOOSH 05', maybe an 'OGG NOW'. The response of the robots could depend
>on variables such as weather or not they are in chase of a possible
>carrier. So far your AI is fantastically realistic, right down to the
>inane doosh parties that wander off while the core is being annihilated.
>I would love to see your source code on the AI. While it does not
>benefit myself I would encourage you to get a copyright on your code. I
>think what you and possibly others have done here is fantastic. I have
>always felt that the means to save Netrek from extinction would be to
>prevent the 'lopsided' and 'early bird' scummers from ruining the game
>for real players. In a side bar, I used to get my ass whipped by these
>scummers (probably a group in a lab) until I obtained my DSL line, after
>which, I realized that these twinks were just rank scum. Admirals with
>50 ms ping lines would go down 2-1 against me, I realized they never had
>a serious dogfight in their Netrek lives, sad really. Having these
>filler robots is not just a great newbie training ground but the
>salvation of the pickup game. Add to this a timer clock and a reset like
>hockey for the start of 'T' mode and what we will eventually have is INL
>quality in a pickup game.
>    I would love to help tweak the code with you, please email me if you
>are interested.
>                                                    The Captain
Kurt Siegl / Franzberg 4, A-4483 Hargelsberg, Austria
Email:  Tel (ISDN):   *(7225)7017