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Re: [VANILLA-LIST:3082] minor lag inducer

On Tue, 28 Mar 2000, James Cameron wrote:
> Third space planets get scanned and stay scanned, increasing the packet
> load to clients slightly due to pops in third space.
> (a) how much is this a problem?
> (b) could we age the info and make them go back to unscanned?
> Thoughts?

I remember mentioning this on rgn a few years ago.  My idea was to make third
space planets between X and Y armies not pop.  X and Y being the range that
3rd space planets will naturally end up in.  But I think that if you figured
out how much bandwith 3rd space pops use, it would end up being so small as to
not be worth the trouble.

The fastest at which there will be pops in once per second.  If every 3rd
space planet is scanned, then half the planets are 3rd space.  A planet pop
adds at most 12 bytes to an packet.  At the rate of 1/2 pop per second, that's
6 bytes/second of bandwidth for 3rd space planets.  Of course 3rd space
planets don't pop every chance they get, but much less often.