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This is mostly rsa trouble.
ntserv/rsa_util.c wants some mfree,madd etc they should be in mp.h but
that only contain mp_mfree,mp_madd etc. I think they are the same but only
with diffrentnames so I tried ...
#define mfree mp_mfree
#define madd mp_madd
#define mcmp mp_mcmp
#define itom mp_itom
#define sdiv mp_sdiv
#define mult mp_mult

tools/cambot.c needs 
void bounceRSAClientType() {}
to make the linker happy.
After this it compiles ok, BUT I DO NOT like to have it installed in my
homedirectory, something in configure must be broken. (both
and is changed correctly), but still configure writes my
homedir as libdir.

As if it wasn't enough I can't get rsa to work, no client is able to
verify correctly.


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