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Re: (ASCEND) Max 5.0Ap36

 You need to be running an incremental release to be able be able
to issue the SysRest snmp command. (This is for the NVRAM after
the tload codes are issued) From what I saw the sysreset.0 does
not exist on in patch tree.

 I'm sure that Ken Packert could clear this up. Ken? 

Jason Nealis
Director Internet Operations
Network Access
Erols Internet

On Tue, 2 Dec 1997, Matt Holdrege wrote:

> At 09:38 AM 12/2/97 -0500, Jason Nealis wrote:
> >
> > Actually right now what I do it via SNMP, But I still have to telnet
> >to each box and do the nvram, Cause the SysReset variable is only
> >in the I branch (UGH COUGH COUGH DAMMIT), But once 6.0 comes up
> >you can use this upgrade as many boxes as needed but you need CMU's
> >SNMP installed to do it.
> Cough, Cough. CMU??? I'm pretty sure I tested this with Openview a while
> back. It should also work fine with Navis Access. Unless I'm missing
> something?
> Matt Holdrege

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