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(ASCEND) release process

> Why the backwards release ?  I thought we were at 6.1.3 ?  and some at

We announced last year our new release process for TAOS and it is
available on our website somewhere. But here is the detail again for
those who forgot or never heard about this.

We produce a release roughly every 3 months and have a three month
regression test, so we start the next regression test when we announce
the prior release.  We target beta for the final six weeks of the
regression test period.

The features set for the next release freeze when a new release is made. 
We froze features for 3.0/7.0* when 2.1.0/6.1.0 was released. That means
no new features may be added during regression test.  

The releases will alternate between major and minor releases. 2.0/6.0 is
a major, 2.1/6.1 is a minor, 3.0/7.0* will be a major release. (See Note

We have eliminated the alpha characters from our production release
names. We have alpha characters identifying pre-release software:

<paraindent><param>left</param>"beta" b-loads have some regression
testing behind them and offer an early view of new functionality and
early access for customers who perform regression testing.

"maintenance" releases will be identified by the numeral following the
release number.  2.0.8 is the eighth maintenance release in the 2.0
branch.  This is the Production code. 


We maintain major releases until the second major release is available.
We maintain minor releases  only until the next major is available. That
means 3.0.0/7.0.0* ends support for 5.0Ap, 1.3A and 2.1. The major
release, 2.0 will be supported until 4.0.0/8.0.0* is released (in Spring

* Note: for the purposes of clarity, this explaination refered to
upcoming TNT releases as 3.0 and 4.0, although we will consolidate
release numbering between the Max and Max/TNT beginning with the next
major release. That means, release 3.0 for the TNT's will be named 7.0.
The difference in load identifiers confuses everyone, since the code is
now built from the same branch. We hope this will make it conceptually
easier to work in a network that contains both maxes and TNT's.

Matt Holdrege
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