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(ASCEND) RE: (Ascend) MAXDIAL client config

     Thanks for the directions on my modem port question.
     MAX Dial is not installed on my system. I do have the code on a disk 
     to add it,MXHP-SO-DIAL but have no instructions how to go about it. 
     Further, the website URL gives me an error when I go to:
     Any other instructions deal with the client installation on the 
     can someone who may already have this doc send it to me directly?
     Thanks again,
     ******intelligence is inevitable******

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: RE: (ASCEND) (Ascend) MAXDIAL client config
Author:  nllabona at hdqt-unix-mime/DD.RFC-822=nllabona@Harris.COM
Date:    8/12/98 2:22 PM

Try Ethernet -> Mod Config -> TSrev options 
waaayyyy at the bottom is :
        Modem Dialout = yes
        Immediate Modem = yes
        Imm modem port = 5000 (default)
        Imm modem access = user
                (if you want to contorl access per user, in RADIUS 
                enter Asced-Dialout-Allowed = Dialout-Allowed)
Good luck.
P.S. Check under system -> System options, because you need MAXDIAL Installed
        before any of this will work.
Nelson Llabona
        -----Original Message-----
             I'm looking for the "Immediate Modem Port" value that the client 
             configuration is asking for. It states that if I don't know, ask my
             administrator....anybody got a mirror?
             MAXDIAL for WIN95
             MAX 4004 with 56k modem cards
             where do I get this info?     
             edwin everett
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