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Re: improvement scrolls

>  Problem here is the how you relate better.  At best, under current code, you
> can create more damage and perhaps more stats, but you certainly won't get the
> other special abilities (protections, immunities, regeneration, etc.)  Many of
> those can be very useful.
>  Best way to do this might be to limit the number of enchantments that can be
> done on an item - instead of basing it on level, perhaps limit it to 10 or 15 -
> can still get some pretty nice items, but certainly not great items.
>  At some point in the future, I hope to have it so that crossfire reads a
> config file at startup, to get many of the options/values from.  Has the
> advantage that you don't need to recompile if you just want to change behavior,
> but also should actually make the code easier to maintain, since it will always
> be compiled in, just not always executed.

Maybe it's a bit far-fetched of an idea, but remembering a while back 
when I wanted to see what enchanting a weapon was like and cheated with 
the level editor to get all the gems and such I needed, I made an axe 
that, when I tried to ready it, eventually said something to the effect 
of "This weapon is too powerful--it would consume your soul" I was a bit 
amused and even more dismayed :) but along those lines, I thought about 
games (particularly AD&D) in which some of the most powerful weapons have 
personalities and indeed life of their own. Perhaps it wouldn't make it 
too hard to make code so that a weapon, when reaching a certain level of 
enchantment, number of enchantments, etc, gets a bit free-willed, harder 
to control, freaks out at certain critical moments, etc. It'd add a bit 
of fun to the game, IMHO. 

|Homewood High School              | Jonathan Hankins      |
| | jhankins@ |
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