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Re: [TCLUG:16986] upgrading Debian

On Mon, 1 May 2000, Daniel Taylor wrote:

> Hi. Debian's installation sucks, but dselect (with apt as backend) is the
> _best_ package management tool I have ever used. The interface is clunky
> as anything, but it does things (like handle dependencies on removing
> packages) that I have not seen any other package management program even
> attempt to do.

I'd have to disagree. I think the installer is wonderful -- it lets me do
*exactly* what I want to the installation. Granted, it's not good for
first-time linux users, and it bugs me that it still kicks into dselect to
install packages. But still, it does exactly what I want it to.

Comparing it to other installers: well, Mandrake's failed for me (the
Linux4Win BS... gotta try that one again). Can't comment on RedHat's until
the end of the week or so -- the 6.2 CD is coming in the mail :)

I just tried SuSE earlier this week (6.3 using YaST2), and for a somewhat
dumbed-down installer it works pretty slick. The only problem I had with
it was figuring out how to make DHCP work -- YaST2 sets the DHCLIENT
variable in rc.config to "no" by default without asking. Annoying when
YaST1 tries to enable a DHCP interface and it doesn't work. But even so, a
quick search on SuSE's web site got me a fix. YaST also seems to do a nice
job of managing packages. (Except I can't find SSH -- can anyone help?)

Pacem in Terris / Mir / Shanti / Salaam / Heiwa
Kevin R. Bullock