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Re: [TCLUG:17072] Thoughts about 'scary stuff'

I am religious bigot. That is why I joined a _linux_ mail list.

Please, I don't hop out on the mailing list to gush over how "happy" and
"cheery" and "free" Linux makes me feel. I might suggest medication to
those who make a habit of it, though.

You may be right about the crud, we shall see, but I bet I won't be
forced to install it. I'll probably get to choose what I install.
I agree, a negative focus can be bad, but there is just so much

I don't like it when people discuss technical Windows centric stuff (at
length) here (because of the _linux_ email list thing again). I don't
know how much Windows tech knowledge people have on this list, mostly
because they don't discuss it too deeply and because most members remain
silent. I don't know how you can make such a generalization with so
little evidence.

I would like it if some people were less concerned with the "image" of
the mailing list and maintaining apearances. I don't want to consider
"what would a newbie think about this" whenever I set my fingers to

I don't mind if people voice their frustration with this or that
product, especially when they mention in the subject that what they
discuss is off-topic (OT). 

	<a href="">Troy Johnson</a>

The people of the various provinces are strictly forbidden to have in
possession any swords, short swords, bows, spears, firearms, or other
of arms. The possession of unnecessary implements makes difficult the
collection of taxes and dues and tends to foment uprisings.
        -- Toyotomi Hideyoshi, dictator of Japan, August 1588