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Re: [TCLUG:17072] Rebuttal

The only problem that I have with windows and why I think it would  loose the
longivity test is that you have to reboot the damn thing all the time. You install
something, you have to reboot. You load a new video  card driver, you have to
reboot. You click the scan button too many times, you have to reboot. You add a
Printer you have to reboot. You autodetect that WinCrap communications device (not
a modem) you have to reboot. What's next huh? You type and move the mouse around,
and have to reboot?

Bob Tanner wrote:

> Quoting Bob Nolte (
> > Sometimes this group sounds like a bunch of religious bigots!
> Jesus saves! Passes to Moses, who shoots and scores! :-)
> > It's been a while since I saw a post by someone who sounded like they
> > are enjoying their Linux experience. This group needs to get its
> > medication back in balance.
> Counter point. I love linux. I am very, very happy with Linux and what it can
> do. Real Time is so confident in linux, that we are migrating to a 100% linux
> shop. This includes replacing NT, Windows, and Solaris.
> > I would wager that I could load up a box with Windows 2000 and keep
> > it running just about forever. Notice that I didn't say that I would load
> > any application software on it.
> I will take this bet.
> You will have to load some sort of application software, otherwise you have an
> idle box right? Just an OS mean idle CPU cycles.
> What would you like to use as a longevity test?
> > Just wait until Linux grows popular enough to attract crappy application
> > software and the up time on Linux boxen will drop dramatically.
> Personally I doubt this will happen. The separation of the OS from the
> application in Unix (not just linux) means an application cannot crash the OS.
> This is not to say I have not had an application lock up linux, like when
> using pnp to config a sound card, so your point is taken. But over all I have
> found in 5 users of heavy use linux is far more stable when running
> applications.
> > One final point. The level of technical knowledge of MS products seems
> > to be very low in this group. This may be due, in part, to the tendency
> > of Linux users to break out in hives when brought in close proximity
> > to a MS operating system.
> Not hives. More like headaches, lock-jaw, emotional instability and
> frustration. I feel I have a very good understanding of NT and Windows. I think
> I have excellent troubleshooting skills and I am not afraid to say I don't
> know what the problem is and to call the experts for help.
> My preference for Linux comes from having 'deal' with Windows instead of it
> working for me. Having Microsoft support tell me that re-installation is an
> acceptable problem resolution drove me crazy.
> > Most of the people in the world aren't experts with either OS and just want
> > something that will do its job and not aggravate them too much.
> In my opinion and probably most people on this list, Linux cause less
> aggravation. Personally I can tell you Windows can be a VERY aggravating
> experience.
> I can rant all day, but I want to show counter-points to each of your points.
> Linux people are passionate about linux, that is it's greatest strength and
> it's greatest weakness. I said as much at our Linux Expo.
> To be honest, I have never met a person passionate about Windows. Does this
> say something? I don't know. But I do know when people are passionate they
> voice their opinions and frustrations to sympathic ears. This list is full of
> sympathic ears, it's just a fact.
> You are right, things need to stay professional and mature. But at the same
> time, everyone needs to know flame-bait when they see it and ignore it. Or
> if the statements really get you, send personal email.
> Thanks.
> --
> Bob Tanner <>       | Phone : (612)943-8700
>                | Fax   : (612)943-8500
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