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Re: [TCLUG:16986] upgrading Debian

On Mon, 1 May 2000, Daniel Taylor wrote:

> Debian net-install is annoying if you have _any_ hardware that isn't on
> the base disk (that %$#& 3MB drivers.tgz download...). A properly built
> Debian CD can be much more pleasant to install from than RH, Caldera, or
> <shudder> Corel. I have encountered very few properly built Debian CD's.

Have you tried ordering from CheapBytes? They compile their own bootable
CDs, and I find them to be very well put together. And most hardware that
you can't find on the base disk, in my experience, is hardware that'll
give you trouble later on anyway. All you need for a net-install is the
right network card driver -- beyond that, post-install config can handle

But don't listen to me -- send e-mails to Debian (probably wanna send to
the proper mailing list) about the ISOs they produce. :)

> I continue using Debian at all because the package management is so solid.
> Not just for installing new packages, lots of package managers get that
> right, but for *REMOVING* software that I am done with (or seeing if I am
> actually done with a piece of software).
<dselect session snipped>

Better idea:
% apt-get remove packagename

Ain't that a bit more elegant? :) Seriously, I don't touch dselect anymore
except for an initial clean install, and then only to install the basic
packages. For everything else I use [console|gnome]-apt or
apt[-get|itude]. Now if they would just finish a final version of some of
these tools... ;p

> I love it.

<post style="AOL">Me too!</post>

As a side note, I think I'm going to try to install Storm on 2 of those
extra 6 gigs I have laying around now :)

Pacem in Terris / Mir / Shanti / Salaam / Heiwa
Kevin R. Bullock