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Re: [TCLUG:16986] upgrading Debian

On Tue, 2 May 2000, Kevin R. Bullock wrote:

> On Mon, 1 May 2000, Daniel Taylor wrote:
> give you trouble later on anyway. All you need for a net-install is the
> right network card driver -- beyond that, post-install config can handle
> it.
It was the net-card that bit me last time.
> But don't listen to me -- send e-mails to Debian (probably wanna send to
> the proper mailing list) about the ISOs they produce. :)
I have corresponded with the appropriate people about the net install,
I just noticed the problems with ISO's recently, and found more
info on them when I did a net search. The right people know, it is
just a matter of if they can do anything about it.

> > I continue using Debian at all because the package management is so solid.
> > Not just for installing new packages, lots of package managers get that
> > right, but for *REMOVING* software that I am done with (or seeing if I am
> > actually done with a piece of software).
> <dselect session snipped>
> Better idea:
> % apt-get remove packagename
> Ain't that a bit more elegant? :) 

Yep, but not as flexible as dselect can be (if you've any doubt, try
doing anything peripherally related to the ghostscript packages).

> Seriously, I don't touch dselect anymore
> except for an initial clean install, and then only to install the basic
> packages. For everything else I use [console|gnome]-apt or
> apt[-get|itude]. Now if they would just finish a final version of some of
> these tools... ;p
I would consider apt-get the ideal for initial installation.
I think that dselect is a bit much to be throwing at new users
of the system before they even get it in place. 

Daniel Taylor