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Re: [TCLUG:17072] Rebuttal

On Wed, 3 May 2000 wrote:

> I don't know a whole lot here, actually.
> But if I want to change workgroups from SIGFS to TCLUG,
> or I want to leave the SIGFS workgroup, and join a domain
> (, I have to authenticate to a PDC (I think?), and so
> it does weird and funky things.  Again, I'm not an NT expert,
> especially on server issues.  (this is like changing the hostname -
> which I think you have to reboot to do in Linux.  Maybe not?)
Linux boxes can have all of their identifiers (IP, hostname, 
domain, MAC address on some machines) changed without a reboot.

Changing domains is not quite like changing the hostname, there 
is more to it  than that. Of course Linux can change NT domains 
and change roles within a domain (PDC, SDC, client) without a 
reboot as well :)
IIRC, you have to reinstall NT4 to switch roles between
Domain Controller and workstation, and a reboot is necessary
to change roles between PDC and SDC (I don't _think_ that a 
reinstall is necessary here, but I haven't worked with it in
a while).

Gotta love Linux!

> And yes, you don't need to reboot to change IP addresses.
> In fact, many things in Windows said they needed a reboot,
> but really didn't.
This is true of NT and 2k, but generally not true for Windows 4.x.
If Win95|98 says it needs a reboot, reboot it.

Daniel Taylor