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mutt settings

On May 04, 2000, Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom <> wrote:
> >That's an MTA issue.  Your MUA only has control over the 'reply-to'
> >headers and the like.  The actual 'from' is out of it's control.  I could
> >tell you how to do it in about 3 seconds with qmail...  
> actually, not entirely; because I can rewrite my "From:" address in mutt by
> hand, each time I send a message (and it works). I want that done
> automatically. 

You need two things in your .muttrc, one for each "From" header, for
example, assuming sendmail format:

set sendmail="/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -oem"
my_hdr From: Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom <>

> also; mutt insists on sending the body of the message as a MIME text
> attachment. out of good netiquette, I would prefer it just put in as plain
> text. how do I make it work that way?

It's probably a setting in your .muttrc.  Mine doesn't use MIME
attachments (as you can see).  You probably just have to comment out the

> anyone have experience with Mutt's POP3 features? are they any good?

I used them for a day or two before switching to a macro for fetchmail:

macro index G "!fetchmail\n"
macro pager G "!fetchmail\n"

You could obviously choose a different key binding than "G".

> I really should get off my lazy butt and work on this stuff instead of
> IRCing and web browsing when I'm booted into Linux...

Yeah, mutt is great.  You can really customize it.  For example, here
are some mail-browsing keybindings I use.  "[" and "]" page up and down
by half-screens, and "=" jumps to the next message.  "+" (or "Shift-=")
jumps to the next mailbox with new mail.  "_" Hops back to the inbox.
This lets me browse mail one-handed (pinky for the Shift key).

bind pager [ half-up
bind pager ] half-down
bind pager = next-new
bind index = next-new
macro pager + c\n
macro index + c\n
macro pager _ c>\n
macro index _ c>\n

I use these to set messages to "read" status.  "z" affects mails one or
more days old, making it easy to clear out all old, unread mail, without
affecting the newer mail.  "Z" affects all mails in that folder.
(Ooops, I think you can replace the "<enter>" with "\n".)  Ctrl-x
combines "Z" and "+".

macro index z T"~U ~d >1d"<enter>\;N^T*<enter>
macro index Z T~U<enter>\;N^T*<enter>
macro index \cx Zc\n
macro pager \cx iZc\n

