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Alright, I don't know if this is supported by this group, but since it's a
linux derivative, I'm assuming it is. 

I am currently running Caldera OpenLinux (BrokenLinux to the rest of us) and am
running a small-time webserver on the system.  In the last three weeks, I have
been hacked into 7-10 times, unless I close www, ftpd, telnet, ssh, and some
other ports.   Now, if I"m running a web server, it doesn't do me any good to
close many of these ports.  

As it turns out, I'm getting hacked because of some well known exploits in my
version of OL (2.3).

Thus, I have decided to move to FreeBSD 4.4 (I think that's the version that's
out right now.).

I was wondering if somebody could tell me some MAJOR differences (besides file
locations) between standard linux and a BSD derivative.

Would be appreciated.

Eric F Crist