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Re: [TCLUG:17305] Aaahhh!!! Signal 11!!!


On Sun, 7 May 2000, David Wood wrote:

> Take the cover off the box and touch the sides of the heatsink on the cpu. 
> If its beyond warm, the fan isnt doing its work.  Its common for those to
> die and the owner not even know (I didnt know my 486's fan wasnt working
> until it got in an infinite-reboot cycle due to heat).  Have a look and make
> SURE that fan is spinning fast and freely.

Oh, the fan's doing fine. First thing I did was take the fan/heatsink out
and clean all the cat fur out of it... 

This box is (A) Really big, and (B) Really well ventilated. There's a BIG
CPU Fan, and three case fans. Still... nevermind removing the sides of the
case, the sides ITSELF were hot. The temp in this room is >85. I have got
to go yell at the apartment people in the morning... I've got the side off
and a fan blowing in there right now.

