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Misbehaving Primary IDE

Once again I am at my wit's end!  I am trying to install RH6.1 on a
with a maxtor 40Gig drive and a Tyan S1832DL Tiger 100 mother board (it
is a
dual processor board, but I have only one processor in it at the
Now, I know what you are all thinking, the 2.2.15 kernel does not
that capacity drive, but wait, there's more.  The problem I am having is
that with the Primary IDE controller, I get through the partitioning and
formatting of the drive, but it then fails to mount the drive.  I can,
however, move the drive to the secondary IDE drive controller and
just fine (although Linux thinks the drive is somewhere in the 6Gig
If I then move the drive back to the primary controller I get a "panic"
error and the system freezes when trying to mount the drive on boot.
I've tried installing with a 10Gig Maxtor drive as well, with the same
results, although I never tried the smaller drive on the Secondary IDE
bus.  Has anybody every had a similar problem?  By the way, I had same
problem trying to install Windows 95/98/NT (for testing purposes only,
of course).  Thanks.

Seth Bernsen
Software Engineer
United Defense
Phone: 612-572-4993
Fax:   612-572-4858