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Daniel Taylor wrote:
>It isn't so much important which distribution you are running
>as what you do with it after it gets loaded.
	I think this is the most important thing to note about
*nix boxes and security. *None* of the existing mass-market
distributions (and I include FreeBSD and OpenBSD in this
category) are any damn good from a security standpoint *right
out of the box*. You have to work on them.

> With a domain name like
> you are going to attract every script kiddie in the
> book. You need to have only the necessary ports open, always run
> the latest versions of the services you do make available and
> watch _ALL_ the security lists.
	I would also recommend reading the "Armoring UNIX" webpage
put up by the fellow from Washington (state) whose name I forget,
the ex-combat engineer type who has several papers in the "Armoring
(insert OS here)" online. He's highly regarded.

I'm still in the information-collecting stage of learning Linux, 
so I offer you my information for what I paid for it. :)

Kevin Trainor
"Some people like to go out dancing
But other people like us, well we gotta work."
	--Lou Reed, "Sweet Jane"

All opinions my own, not Norwest's or Wells Fargo's.