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Re: [TCLUG:17728] Motif has gone opensource!

On Tue, 16 May 2000, Gabe Turner wrote:

>  I thnk I'd be pretty proud of myself if some huge company decided to 
> use "little-ol-me's" code in their project.. But that's just me :)

Call me a cynic, but isn't that a little like the village woman saying
"Maybe those handsome German soldiers would have their way with *me*..."

Seriously, though, it's OK to give things away for free, but if you're not
the first in line to profit from your own work, you set all sorts of bad
precedents and weaken the argument that capitalism is in any way better
than communism or feudalism or straight oppression.  Same goes for working
too cheap at something because you just like doing it -- you eventually
make it hard for anyone to make a decent living doing it at all.

But that's just a passing thought on a Tuesday afternoon... ;)

Phil M

Lottery:    a tax on people who are bad at math