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Re: [TCLUG:18338] openssh upgrade...

On Wed, 31 May 2000, Kent Schumacher wrote:

> While I can't say anything about debian because I've never used it, I can
> say that I've used Corel, Caldera, and RedHat.  All of these work great on
> the first install, but only RedHat seems to be easily upgradeable to each
> new release of RedHat. as well as being able to simply grab and install
> packages off the net.

I may be a little behind, but will rpm actually search an FTP server's
database and download and install all the necessary packages in one go? Last
I checked the "easy update path" was up2date, which requires you to have a
serial number (i.e. you have to buy the shrink-wrapped box). Help me out if
I'm wrong -- this would simplify my life on my RedHat install immensely.

And I still maintain that Debian's collection of packages is more accessible
and better organized (compare to sometime -- or compare to It's more of the cathedral than the bazaar (oh lordy),
but I have no problem with that (and cathedral vs. bazaar a.k.a. RMS vs. ESR
is another debate entirely). It ends up better organized and more accessible
-- and freedom, accessibility, is what Linux is all about, right?

Note: Not trying to win any converts here. ;p Just making a point.

Pacem in Terris / Mir / Shanti / Salaam / Heiwa
Kevin R. Bullock