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Re: [TCLUG:18338] openssh upgrade...

"Kevin R. Bullock" wrote:
> I may be a little behind, but will rpm actually search an FTP server's
> database and download and install all the necessary packages in one go?

Not as far as I know, though there is an `rpmfind' program that is
supposed to find and download the packages (maybe install, too). 
Unfortunately, I've never really figured out how that thing works, and I
think it is prone to downloading, for example SuSE RPMs instead of
RedHat RPMs (it sometimes just goes by the version number...)

> Last
> I checked the "easy update path" was up2date, which requires you to have a
> serial number (i.e. you have to buy the shrink-wrapped box). Help me out if
> I'm wrong -- this would simplify my life on my RedHat install immensely.

Well, you don't need to use the default server (which requires a
username/password that you presumably get when buying a boxed set).  If
you knew of a mirror that was laid out properly, you could use that
system instead of the main RedHat server.  However, up2date still
doesn't have a list of mirrors like Debian does..

At any rate, I'll try Debian eventually.  I probably would be running it
right now if I hadn't been on autopilot when I last installed my system.

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[ Mike Hicks | | ]