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Re: [TCLUG:124] Batch conversions xls->ps, doc->ps

Quoting Fred W. Noltie Jr. (fred@localhost.localdomain):
> On Wed, 6 May 1998, Bob Tanner wrote:
> > Any programs/scripts out there that will run under linux that will
> > allow batch conversion of Excel (xls) and Word (doc) files to
> > postscript?
> > 
> If no one gives you a better answer, try this. I just set myself up to
> do this in another MS app.
> In Windows, install a Postscript printer. So far as I know, you can do

This works fine if you are using or have a MS box :-)

Here is what I am trying to do.

We have a directory with all sorts of whitepapers, techincal
documents, pricing, etc. All the documents are pdf, excel or word

We have a linux box running hylafax.

When I get a call from a client who wants a whitepaper on an Ascend
Pipeline75, I just want to be able to do:

% sendfax -p "555-1111" -t "Client Name" -c "5" p75.doc

Now, hylafax must send all faxes id G3Fax format. Hylafax can convert text
and postscript to G3Fax. So, when I end up doing is converting all
.xls and .doc files to .prn (ps) files under a MS box do I can send
them via hylafax.

Now p75.doc changes, I have to remember to create the .prn (ps) files,
etc.. Lots of work. 

Hylax has a niffy pre-fax processing engine that will let you add new
filters, so I was hoping to add a new doc->ps filter to hylafax.

Bob Tanner <>       | Phone : (612)943-8700                | Fax   : (612)943-8500
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