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[VANILLA-L:1006] Re: [VANILLA-L:1000] Re: [VANILLA-L:996] Re: [VANILLA-L:991] Unfinished business...

On Aug 6, 16:09, Bob Tanner wrote:

>> >  2) I'd like to get rid of being the "key master". This involves
>> >     taking care of client keys as they show up and putting them on
>> >     the metaserver. This is best handled by one of the metaserver admins
>> >     who have access to the metaserver's files.
>I think myself, Carlos and Frank and takes this over. Right?

I'd prefer to set _one_ of the three metaservers up as ''
No need to let all three metaservers do that. I think one of the US
metaservers would be best suited for this task.

Cheers, Frank

"But what about the End of the Universe? We'll miss the big moment."  "I've
seen it. It's rubbish," said Zaphod, "nothing but a gnab gib."  "A what?"
"Opposite of a big bang. Come on, let's get zappy."
	-- Douglas Adams, 'The Restaurant at the End of the Universe'
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