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RE: [VANILLA-LIST:2817] Re: [META:203] rsa key

> On Sun, Jan 09, 2000 at 08:20:13PM -0500, Dave Ahn wrote:
> > Incidentally, is there a default encryption package that is bundled with
> > all the major Linux distributions?  I do not believe PGP is included.
> No.  Not yet, anyway.  It would stop them from selling out of the USA.

Hey, all you non-USA countries out there, would you kindly have your
governments come and tell our government to get its head out of its rear?
You see, they don't have a lick of sense and they don't listen to us anyway.
It's really a bit of a pickle.

You see, American-made encryption is far superior to that euro-trash out
there.  Our national security guys are a crack team who can break any
foreign encryption.  But our own encryption is so much better!  Much more of
a headache to crack.  It is therefore imperative that no encryption made by
us red-blooded Americans be allowed to leave the country.  Why, that could
be as bad as giving a nuke to Saddam!

But that's okay.  What they wanted to do to us is far worse.  They wanted to
let us have all the encryption we wanted.  Good stuff, with those public
keys and all, and close to impossible to break.  Thing is, since not all
Americans are red-blooded and might be plotting to do something horrible
like pass out joints and communist literature at the HORDE Festival.  So,
they were going to let us have all the crypto we could handle, so long as we
gave Uncle Sam a copy of our keys.  That way he could open our email and
know of our evil plots and send in a SWAT Team armed better than some third
world nation's army to stop us.  Of course, Uncle Sam won't give anybody
else copies of his keys.  Not really fair.

And now they have the new "V-Chip".  Heard about that?  It assists good
stand-up red-blooded Americans in brainwashing their children by blocking
The Devil from coming in on the TV.  Yep!  Don't want your kids to see a
nipple or hear the word "shit"?  Get a V-Chip-Equipped TV.  Gotta raise the
next crop of Red Blooded Americans right, you know.  We've got standards to