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Re: [TCLUG:17064] Samba 'NT Driver Download' capabilities

Troy Johnson wrote:
> Clay Fandre wrote:
> > I am planning on switching it over to SAMBA as soon as
> > the 'NT driver download' capabilities are fulling functional in the new
> > SAMBA.
> Which version will this be in? Can you expand on your meaning? I have
> made the auto driver thing work for Win95 boxes, but haven't tried with
> WinNT.

The current version (2.0.7) supports Win95 driver downloading only. The
NT driver downloading is currently being worked on and is in CVS. I was
in contact with the main developer for a while and he was making some
pretty good progress the last I heard. I had an old version working, but
it was unreliable (client bluescrens) and didn't support many drivers.

I haven't really looked at it for a couple of months, though. It may be
a lot better now. I just haven't had time to play with it. I will email
the developer and check on the status.

Clay Fandre
UNIX System Administrator
Honeywell, Intl. / CAP