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(ASCEND) Problems with PAP user and Dialout using Radius


We have a Max4k and are using AAC for authentication. When dialling out,
although the entry is as follows:

test2-out	Password = "ascend", Service-Type = Outbound
		Service-Type = Framed,
		Ascend-Data-Svc = Switched-64K,
		Ascend-Route-IP = Route-IP-Yes,
	        Ascend-Dial-Number = "xxxxxxxx",
		Simultaneous-Use = 2,
        	User-Name = "test2",
        	Ascend-Send-Auth = Send-Auth-PAP,
        	Ascend-Send-Passwd = "test2",
		Ascend-Link-Compression = Link-Comp-Stac,
		Framed-Routing = None,
		Framed-IP-Address =,
		Framed-IP-Netmask =,
		Ascend-Idle-Limit = 36

and a value is given for the username for the pap authentication, it always
gives the name of the Max as the username.

Using radif in the diagnostics shows that the Radius server is giving the
correct username, the max isn't using this in the authentication process.

This is only with dial out, not dial in.

Can anyone shed any light?



Joel Smith
First Software
Queens Ct, Wilmslow Rd	  +44 (0)1625 587111	+44 (0)468 803758 (mobile)
Alderley Edge SK9 7RR      Fax +44 (0)870 1617192 (direct)
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